Category: Atlanta Tattoo
Drawing for tattoo by Matt Greenhalgh
Getting close to finishing this tattoo for Preston should be cool. When its done I’ll get a photo up. thanks for checking in Matt
Koi Sketch by Matt Greenhalgh
Working this koi fish tattoo out. I never get tired of this. I’m thankful for all my clients who continue to bring me such interesting and fun projects. This tattoo will make it’s way on to the blog as it develops. thanks for checking in. Matt
This is bullshit!
This is from an online petition against TLC’s Tattoo School show that we want to share with our clients and people that follow our blog. We can’t really talk about it anymore at the shop because it has put us all in such a bad mood. We can not stress enough to people whether you…
Ink Atlanta’s premier issue
We got the new Ink Atlanta premier issue delivered to the shop today. Has a similar layout to Prick magazine. They did a little feature on the SK8 or Die art show at Young Blood Gallery. Matt, Charles and Danielle were all in the show, along with a 100 other local artists. All the boards…
more script to make you want some by danielle
John came to me with close to the most script someone has asked for on their collar/chest. The other one that was just as long went all around to this guys back and then to the front again. That will be another post. This quote is from Samuel Beckett, and is pretty powerful. I had…