more script to make you want some by danielle

John came to me with close to the most script someone has asked for on their collar/chest. The other one that was just as long went all around to this guys back and then to the front again. That will be another post. This quote is from Samuel Beckett, and is pretty powerful. I had a great time drawing this and tattooing a fellow vegan with some great tattoos. It’s always nice to see some good work from people you admire. danielle 


One response to “more script to make you want some by danielle”

  1. Manon Avatar

    I have two tattoos of my own (no kids..yet!) and I agree with all of the tothghus that go in deciding if where and what to get. My most recent one spans the right side of my torso and has sprung the most comments from friends, but at the end of the day its my choice and I love that

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