phoenix by matt greenhalgh

Hey there its been a while lots of stuff going on and i was sleeping on the blog so sorry for that. we’ve all been doing some fun stuff, so there should be lots of  interesting content on its way. hope everyone had a great christmas and new year. we just had our friday the 13th event and it went great. thanks to everyone for coming in and to everyone who helped it run so smoothly.

Here is a phoenix i recently finished for Sherri. Sherri has been a great client, super excited for her tattoo and a real pleasure to work with. the phoenix is a tattoo that, in short symbolizes triumph over adversity. i feel like this was a perfect choice for sherri, as she has endured some difficult things and is now emerging with a new sense of self. this tattoo has been a part of that journey and I’m thankful for having been a part of it. Big thanks to Sherri for brining me such a fun project. Hope you enjoy.


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