milo tattoo

My good friends Tony and Jill had a baby boy almost 2 years ago now. This little hat was Milo’s first and Jill had wanted to get a little something for her little boy that was getting bigger each day, out growing all the cute little things he had as a baby. I loved doing this tattoo, I was not sure how I would be able to do a knitted hat as a tattoo design without it looking to crazy, but I love the way it came out. It’s just a little tattoo but it’s always fun to do a little traditional piece with good meaning for someone. I might also be so emo about it because they are good friends, and with expecting a baby myself before the end of the year it’s exciting to think about how much our lives are changed and moved by a new little person.



One response to “milo tattoo”

  1. Tony Avatar

    Love it!

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