$20 tattoos this friday



2 responses to “$20 tattoos this friday”

  1. Danielle@onlyyoutattoo.com Avatar

    On every Friday the 13th we tattoo the number 13 all day long for $13 + $7 tip. The 13’s are drawn different ways last year it was in a cupcake, a skateboard, in script and others. Those are the only tattoos we do that day it can not be made bigger, and you can not get it the next day if you missed out cause of the long wait. It’s a fun day. Thanks OYT

  2. Savannah Avatar

    I had a friend who has been tattooed by you guys and you did AMAAAZING work! So I HAVE to know… $20 is just too good to be true; what are the limitations on the tattoo? Size, certain designs and ideas only? Or can it be anything i wish?

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