New pirate lady tattoo by Chuck Donoghue. This tattoo is on sellan from stone soup in grant park. 90% done with it! Can’t wait to finish!

Chuck D will be traveling to Toledo, San Francisco, and Austin these next two weeks! Contact him at [email protected] if you are in those city’s and want a sick tat!!!!


6 responses to “New pirate lady tattoo by Chuck Donoghue. This tattoo is on sellan from stone soup in grant park. 90% done with it! Can’t wait to finish!”

  1. センタック(SENDAK) 湯渡り上手2 ハイパワー FP-90 シロ?フ゛ル- 【送料無料】【02P30May15】 Avatar

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    I have been reading your blog now for quite some time and really like it. I don’t know if it’s your style or not , but do you think you could do a post on the oil spill in the gulf?

    I love your thoughts and opinions, and would love to see your commentary on this sad event.

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