Aarón Sanchez at the shop

Aarón Sanchez has been on many food network shows including Melting Pot, Iron Chef America, Chopped and owns amazing restaurants Paladar in NYC’s lower east side, and Centrico in tribica. He is a good friend and an amazing chef, now we just need him to open up something down south for us.


10 responses to “Aarón Sanchez at the shop”

  1. Blanca Zen Avatar

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  5. Matty Avatar

    23 febrero, 200lChape1aUna cosa que os recomiendo a todos es que utilicéis tarjetas de red de un giga 10/100/1000 y el latiguillo de categoría 6. Mi experiencia es buena porque se eliminar un embudo importante.  

  6. Kim Avatar

    Irma is onviously a person who does not understand a thing, do you irma now Aaron? Is he an ex gang member ? And even if he was good for him, he makes more money than you and is obviously more happy than you will ever be why even waste our time posting a comment when its negative, when your the ine lookig at pictures ? ……

  7. Eddie Avatar

    If you judge poeple who have tatoos think of this. If you have a volkswagen bug and you paint images or words on it. Do you think you could race it in the indy 500 and win? No of course not. Just because a person has art on them it dont change who they really are. I bet if Aaron wanted to hand you a nice stack of bills, you would taken them. I think all you haters are jelouse. That is why we live in this messed up would because of poeple like you that post stuff like putting Aaron down just cause he has tatoos. He has made something for himself. So maybe it’s time to think of how to better yourselves.

  8. Marnee Avatar

    So JUST becuz he has tats your whole view of him changed? WOW
    that’s pretty sad… That would be like me saying I thought YOU were ok until I read you were Latino….. I feel sadness in my heart for YOU!

  9. irma Avatar

    Aaron, Im sorry to say that those tatoos make you look like an Ex-gang banger. I thought you were a nice clean cut person that made us latinos look like not every body was an Ex-cholo trying to turn your life around out of the getto. I guess I was wrong, Im sorry to say that. And this is coming from a person that was raised in Compton, Ca.

  10. mattxmiller@gmail.com Avatar

    all famous n shit! nice work!!

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