Category: Atlanta Tattoo

  • indian girl head on a donoghue

    she’s a little squished in this photo from ryboshi’s massive calf 😉

  • live free

    this tattoo was done on my good friend the code man. I’m not really sure what it means. GOD BLESS AMERICA

  • owl tattoo

    i did this tattoo on andrew who tried to get a half sleeve right before leaving for england for a year. he sat so well and we did all the outline and shading the first session in 4 hourse. because of a cancellation we were able to get one more session in. it looks finished…

  • New white tiger tattoo by Chuck Donoghue!

  • crazy week

    hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. we have been really good about posting everyday this is a crazy week for us. chuck donoghue is out of town, we were off for the holiday and matt greenhalgh and his wife debbie just had a baby boy! we are so excited about everything going on right…