Author: danielle

  • Day of the Dead art show october 30th, 2010

    Everything you need to know about this coffin art show is right here, art, food, sugar skull making and good live music. Danielle Distefano will have a piece in this years group show. It’s always a good time with a lot of great artists involved. Please come out and support local business and artists. If…

  • Rooster and Boar

    There is a lot of history with these tattoos that dates back. The pig on one foot and the rooster on the other were believed to give a sailor the ability to walk on water if they had to abandon ship. This came from old lore of merchant ships that sank while carrying lives animals. The…

  • Henna Style foot tattoo

    This is a henna style tattoo that I did of a peacock on Liz’s foot. I’m really hoping that she still gets the other one done to balance out this image. I’m really impressed by henna artists, I spent time drawing this tattoo a few different times and trying to figure out a good flow…

  • pretty rib tattoo

    Brad got this pretty lady head based on a painting that I did last year at my 100 ladies art show at young blood gallery. I love doing these style girl heads, its a great classic image that never gets old. I put a lot of hard work into the art show last year and…

  • cute owl

    In the best of atlanta creative loafing this week they mentioned my owl tattoos. “…Distefano’s adorable owls have us itching to roll up our pant leg and place ourselves under the gun.” Well before this issue came out Ashley asked me to work out a design for a stylized owl, something that was a little…