Category: Atlanta Tattoo
phoenix tattoo
Ross was looking for a more eagle style headed phoenix. I have done a lot of phoenix tattoos, and they are usually done with a lot of color. I was really happy to do this tattoo in black and grey. Has a totally different feel this way. We are discussing weather or not to add…
William it was really nothing
I love The Smiths and Morrissey, so when Meghan and Elle asked me to do friendship Smiths tattoo I was beyond siked. Charles actually did the umbrella and the rain cloud on Meghan’s tattoo, I just did the writing on her. These are not the greatest photos, but I did these a while ago and…
all around script
I can not believe I made this tattoo work. I have had people ask for a lot of writing before, but not for the chest, and not wanting it to go all around his shoulders. I would normal just do the script smaller and have more rows in the front of the body, but he…
Peacock by Matt Greenhalgh
I finished this tattoo a couple months ago. I wanted to wait and get a healed photo before posting it. This was a fun one. Once again Meechie brought me a fun job and we had a great time getting this one together. Thanks Meechie.
sailor girl
I have been tattooing Luke for a while, some people just have perfect skin, and great ideas. I love that he lets me run with a concept and just go for it. This was one session and big on his arm, he likes getting it all done. He also wants to make sure to get…